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The tasks of this project will be achieved by collaboration between the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy (IBAR) and the "Victor Babes" National Institute of Pathology (IVB). 

Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy


Project Coordinator: 

Dr. Marioara Chiritoiu-Butnaru


Team members:  

Dr. Stefana Petrescu

Dr. Costin-Ioan Popescu

Dr. Simona Ghenea

Dr. Laurentiu Spiridon

PhD student: Andrei-Cosmin Chiosa Sept-2021-present



Former members: Laura Georgiana Manica

"Victor Babes" National Institute of Pathology (IVB)


Project responsible:

Dr. Gheorghita Isvoranu


Team members: 

Researcher: Mihaela Surcel

Researcher: Adriana-Narcisa Munteanu

Technician: Gina Simion

Technician: Mihaela Munteanu

Technician: Magdalena Dumitru

Technician: Elena-Cristina Munteanu




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